CLIK, the company specialising on ventilation and thermal insulation works, started its activities in August 1990 as a public limited company entirely based on Estonian capital.In the beginning CLIK AS only performed thermal insulation works but in its second year building ventilation systems was added to our activities. By now CLIK AS has become one of the leading companies in building technological systems in Estonia.Since 1995 CLIK AS also offers maintenance service for ventilation systems, air conditioning equipment and their automatics, which completely disengages customers of the duty to regularly maintain their equipment and systems.Today the main field of activity for CLIK AS is project management of heating, plumbing and air conditioning (HPAC) works out of which ventilation, automatics and insulation works are performed by the company itself. In addition to insulation works inside the building we also perform insulation for alignments and containers. Maintenance of technological equipment for buildings and automation systems is the most important service of CLIK AS. |

AS Clik applied for support for mapping and developing the level of cyber security. The purpose of the support is to promote the cyber security of Estonian small and medium-sized enterprises
The project is supported by the European Cyber Competence Center with its members